Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Critical Analysis of the Research Designs in a Peer- Reviewed Article Essay

Critical Analysis of the Research Designs in a Peer- Reviewed Article - Essay ExampleIt is an organized investigation into a subject in guild to discover facts, to establish or revise theory, or to develop an action based on facts observed (Encarta Dictionary, 2002, par. 1). The article entitled Identifying the best research design to fit the question. Part 2 qualitative designs written by Jenny Ploeg (1999) exemplifies research using the qualitative method identified to be crucial in providing answers to relevant nursing concerns. The article was chosen to be the appropriate example of a peer-reviewed discourse which explains a research design, specifically the qualitative method, as a means of furthering trends on nursing applications, a pregnant area of health science.The main problem statement or hypothesis of the discourse was stated as proffering the value of qualitative research in pinpointing crucial solutions to nursing concerns. Ploeg (1999) averred that qualitative res earch methods have suit increasingly important as ways of developing nursing knowledge for evidence-based nursing practice. This editorial provides an overview of qualitative research, describes 3 common types of qualitative research, and gives examples of their habit in nursing (par. 1).The article provided readers with the opportunity to be beginner on the significance of the qualitative method as the research design most appropriate in seeking solutions to nursing dilemmas. By expounding on the common types of qualitative research (phenomenology, ethnography, and grounded theory), one is competent to appreciate the kind of information provided by these types of research with the objective of understanding the process towards arriving at a particular result or outcome. Likewise, awareness of the differentiating factors or elements of each research type would enable practitioners to use the accurate kind of qualitative research for the identified purpose.Ploeg (1999) described the qualitative

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